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Foot Anatomy

The bones, muscles and ligaments of the foot are an important part of the anatomy of this joint body. For this reason, it is convenient to develop them so that you know in depth their location and their functioning. This will help you to know in a preventive way and to avoid foot contusions.

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Parts and anatomy of the foot

Bones and joints

Foot bones

  • Calcaneus: One of the strongest bones in the human body, it forms the person's heel. It is located below the scaphoid and talus, so it also connects to the wedges and cuboid.
  • Astragalus: This bony tissue is what gives rise to the foot and connects to the tibia and fibula of the leg. It can be found above the calcaneus to cause joint movement.
  • Scaphoid or navicular: This bone is found on the top of the foot, above the cuboid. It also joins with the talus and the three wedges.
  • Cuboid: This is one of the bones responsible for giving balance and support to the foot. It connects to the calcaneus, the talus, below the scaphoid and to the lateral cuneiform.
  • Lateral wedge or cuneiform: This bone allows articulation of the third metatarsal and is connected to the medial wedge, navicular and cuboid.
  • Intermediate wedge: This bone can be found at the top of the instep and its function is to join the scaphoid to the second metatarsal. It is located between the internal and lateral wedge.
  • Medial cuneiform or internal wedge: This bone is located at the back of the foot and is responsible for the articulation of the foot. It connects to the medial cuneiform and the first metatarsal.
  • Metatarsals: In this group of bones they can be divided from the first to the fifth metatarsal, the first metatarsal being considered the internal bone that is connected to the proximal phalanx of the big toe and the internal cuneiform.
  • Phalanges: These bones are divided into three sections, called distal, medial and proximal. The distal phalanx is attached to the metatarsal. Like the hand, the great toe does not have a medial phalanx.
  • Anterior medial subtalar: A joint necessary for the accommodation of the foot, connecting the talus - from the inner facet - with different ligaments. It is part of the astragalotarsal group of joints.
  • Posteroexternal subtalar: It has the same function as the previous joint, but its origin is in the upper astragalar part.
  • Chopart: Named after the discoverer and scholar of this joint. It joins the calcaneus and the posterior facet of the cuboid. The calcaneocuboid is a triangular joint that allows autonomous movements between the two bones.
  • Astragalo-scaphoid: The scaphoid and talus join at this joint to give movement to the back of the foot.
  • Astragalocalcaneo-scaphoid: A joint that makes small movements between the scaphoid, calcaneus and talus. It is included in the astragalotarsal joint group.
  • Cuneonavicular: The three wedges articulate with the anterior area of the scaphoid through this articular body.
  • Cubo-cuneus: This is another joint located between the anterior tarsal bones. The fourth and fifth toes join with the internal wedge and the posterior part of the cuboid.
  • Intercuneiform: These joints also belong to the anterior tarsal area and are responsible for moving the three cuneiforms or wedges.
  • Lisfranc or tarsometatarsal joint: The five metatarsals can articulate with the nails and the cuboid through this joint.
  • Metatarsophalangeal joints: The metatarsal joint is the joint between the metatarsals and the phalanges, which causes the toes to move. They are also known as interphalangeal joints.
  • Supra-astragalar: It can be considered part of the ankle or the foot. It is responsible for carrying out the movements in the form of a pulley so that this area of the foot can carry out extension and flexion actions. It joins the tibia to the talus.


Foot muscles

  • Extensor hallucis brevis: This muscle allows the toe to contract to produce the extension movement. It arises from the calcaneal bone and inserts into the proximal phalanx of the big toe.
  • Extensor digitorum brevis: As in the previous muscle, this tissue allows the extension of the rest of the toes. It ends at each of the proximal phalanges of the toes and extends from the calcaneus.
  • Flexor hallucis brevis: Located in the deep plane, this intrinsic muscle develops on the inside of the foot from the cuboid to the phalanx of the hallux (or big toe). It allows flexion movement.
  • Flexor digitorum brevis of the fifth toe: This muscle runs from the fifth metatarsal to the first phalanx of the fifth toe. It can be seen on the top and outside of the foot.
  • Opponent of the fifth toe: This is a muscle that allows flexion and approximation movements of the little toe in relation to a plantar and medial view. It develops from the plantar aponeurosis to the three phalanges of the toe mentioned.
  • Adductor hallucis: On the top of the foot, the development of this V-shaped muscle can be seen. It runs from the plantar aspect of the cuboid bone, the medial cuneiform to the area of the second to fourth metatarsal. On the other hand, its origin also occurs at each of the metatarsophalangeal joints of the third to fifth toes. It inserts into the first phalanx of the big toe. Its mission is to cause adduction of the big toe.
  • Abductor hallucis: Abduction and flexion of the big toe is achieved by the action of this muscle. It is located on the superficial part of the foot and runs from the calcaneus to the first phalanx of the big toe.
  • Little toe abductor: As in the previous muscle, it also balances the longitudinal arch of the foot. It originates from the plantar fascia and inserts on the proximal phalanx of the fifth toe.
  • Flexor digitorum brevis: It arises from the internal tubercle of the calcaneus, in the plantar fascia, and extends to the second phalanx of the second to fifth toes by means of a tendon. Flexion of the aforementioned phalanges is the main work of this muscle.
  • Lumbrical: This is a set of four muscles that allow flexion of the metatarsophalangeals of the second to fifth toes. It arises from the tendons that originate from the flexor digitorum longus, in its medial part, and inserts in the proximal phalanges.
  • Accessory flexor digitorum: Also known as plantar quadratus, it is a muscle that works in flexion of the second to fifth toes inclusive. It travels from the calcaneus to the tendon of each toe via the flexor muscle.
  • Soleus: Together with the calf muscles, they form the triceps suralis. Plantar flexion is carried out thanks to the action of this muscle which originates in the fibula and tibia.
  • Gastrocnemius or calf muscle: Its different portions allow flexion of the foot. It originates in the condyle of the femur and develops to the calcaneus under the name of the Achilles tendon.
  • Flexor hallucis longus: It arises from the fibula and attaches to the distal phalanx of the big toe. Thanks to this muscle, flexion of the big toe is possible.
  • Flexor hallucis longus: The remaining toes also have a muscle that allows flexion. Its course is produced in the tibia, in its posterior facet, and ends in the last phalanx of each of the toes.
  • Posterior tibialis: This elongated muscle arises from the tibia and fibula and inserts into the medial cuneiform bone, the navicular bone and the metatarsals. Its work consists of adduction and flexion of the sole of the foot.
  • Tibialis anterior: From the lateral surface of the tibia to the first metatarsal and the medial cuneiform, the path of this muscle can be seen. Thanks to its action, it allows inversion and flexion.
  • Extensor hallucis longus: The interosseous membrane and the medial surface of the fibula give rise to this muscle which inserts into the distal phalanx of the hallux.
  • Extensor digitorum longus: The 2nd to 5th toes can be extended by this muscle, which originates from the tibia and fibula. It attaches to the phalanges of each of the digits by means of tendons.
  • Peroneus longus lateralis: It is a muscle that allows eversion of the foot. It runs from the head and tuberosity of the fibula to the first metatarsal.
  • Peroneus lateralis brevis: Like the previous muscle, it arises from the fibula and develops on the outside of the leg until it inserts on the fifth metatarsal. Its action allows different biomechanical movements, the most important being eversion and plantar flexion.
  • Third peroneus: This muscle allows dorsal flexion and eversion. It is located on the outside of the leg, arising from the fibula and inserting on the fifth metatarsal. It is also known as the anterior peroneus.


Ligaments and tendons of the foot

  • Anterior and posterior tibiotalar: These ligaments are triangular in shape and serve to join the talus with the tibial malleolus from the posterior or anterior tubercle, hence their name.
  • Tibiocalcaneal: This is a ligament that arises from the malleolus of the tibia, just on the anterior tubercle. It inserts on the medial side of the calcaneal process, which allows plantar movements of the foot.
  • Tibionavicular: It allows the union of the tibia, through its malleolus, with the navicular bone in its dorsal part.
  • Tibio-scaphoid: At the tubercle of the malleolus of the tibia it begins its course to the medial surface of the scaphoid bone. This allows plantar flexion.
  • Dorsal astragalonavicular: The navicular with the talus connect in the dorsal part of the foot through this tissue. It is also known as the talonavicular ligament.
  • Dorsal and plantar cuneonavicular: Ligaments located from the tibialis posterior to the dorsal or plantar part of the navicular bone.
  • Dorsal intercuneiform: These ligaments are divided into three bands, which join the second, third and fourth parts of the cuneiform with the cuboid bone.
  • Dorsal tarsometatarsal: A group of ligaments located in the dorsal part of the foot that join the first cuneiform to the first metatarsal. Another connects the three cuneiforms to the first metatarsal, another connects the third cuneiform to the metatarsal, and another connects the cuboid to the third cuneiform. The last ligament joins the cuboid to the first metatarsal.
  • External calcaneoastotalar: The calcaneus and talus bones are joined by this ligament from the outside of the foot. This group of ligaments is also known as the talocalcaneal ligament.
  • Inner calcaneoastotalar: The grooves of both bones see the path of this ligament necessary for foot flexion.
  • Posterior calcaneoastotalar: The posterior aspects of the talus and calcaneus give rise to and insert the ligament belonging to the articular body.
  • Interosseous calcaneoastotalar: joins the calcaneus to the talus on the superior and inferior surfaces, respectively.
  • Short plantar: It runs from the cuboid to the calcaneal bone, which allows movements to be made in the lower plantar area of the foot.
  • Plantar long: Unlike the short plantar ligament, this tissue develops from the peroneus lateralis longus to the first metatarsal, and its action in the plantar arch is very important.
  • Plantar calcaneonavicular: This ligament is located on the lower part of the foot, joining the calcaneus sustentaculum with the posterior area of the navicular.
  • Calcaneocuboid: This ligament is found on the outside of the foot and is designed to join the cuboid to the calcaneus, which allows for movement of the ankle. It can be divided into dorsal and plantar, according to the location of the insertion on the cuboid.
  • Cuneocuboid: Can be divided into dorsal and plantar. It develops from the third cuneiform to the cuboid, in its dorsal or plantar part (from this derives its classification).
  • Dorsal cuboidonavicular: This is a ligament located obliquely between the scaphoid and the cuboid.
  • Anterior and posterior talofibular: Located in both areas of the ankle, these ligaments join the talus, calcaneus and fibula. Their function is to support the joint so that the foot can perform extension and flexion movements.
  • Calcaneofibular: It has a non-isometric function when the foot is in plantar or dorsal flexion. It is located on the outside of the foot between the talus, navicular and cuboid.
  • Tibiofibular: This ligament can be divided into two sections, anterior and posterior. It originates at the anterior lateral (or posterior) end of the tibia to the fibular tubercle. This allows axial movements of the ankle.

Biomechanics of the foot

  • Adduction: This consists of lifting the toe of the foot towards the anterior part of the tibia. It can be combined with supination and pronation movements thanks to the anterior internal subtalar joint. It can be opened up to 30°.
  • Abduction: It is the opposite movement to the adoption, so it is developed when it is placed on the distal part of the foot downwards. It can also be combined with pronation and supination work.
  • Dorsal flexion: This biomechanical action is performed by the movement of the tibia when the foot is supported to the anterior aspect of that bone. Its maximum amplitude is 20° due to the toe extensors and plantar flexors.
  • Plantar flexion: This movement is called in biomechanics when the foot is placed as far as possible, at a maximum of 45°, in relation to the leg.
  • Eversion: This is a characteristic movement of the foot which consists of raising the lateral part of the foot towards the external part of the same leg. This causes the sole of the foot to move a maximum of 25° outwards from the body.
  • Inversion: This is the opposite action to eversion, as it consists of bringing the sole of the foot up to 35° towards the inside of the body. In this way the sole can touch the ankle of the other leg thanks to the peroneals and flexors.
  • Supination: This is a movement that consists of a combination of inversion, plantar flexion and abduction. With this action it is possible to place the sole of the foot on the inside of the body. The subtalar joint and the tibial muscles are involved in this movement.
  • Pronation: This is the opposite of supination and also consists of combining the biomechanical movements of eversion, abduction and dorsiflexion. This can be done thanks to the Lisfranc joint and the peroneal and tibial muscles.
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