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Acupressure is one of the techniques of ancient Chinese medicine that combines mental relaxation with the relief of muscular tension. Acupressure consists of applying pressure with the fingers on points and meridians located throughout the body that offer benefits that we will detail below. Find out everything you need to know about this holistic technique.

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F.A.Q: Frequently Asked Questions

Are acupressure and Shiatsu massage the same?

  • Acupressure is any technique in which the fingers of the hands are applied to allow the flow of energy in the body.
  • Shiatsu massage is applied with the fingers, but it is not just one-off touches. The hands are used to rub, touch and activate particular areas of the musculature. Its origin is Japanese, but nowadays it has assimilated principles from traditional Chinese medicine.

Are acupressure, acupuncture and dry needling the same?

Acupressure and acupuncture are sister techniques. They have the same origin and are based on the same philosophical principles. The only real difference is that acupressure uses hands, fingers and knuckles; acupuncture uses needles.

Dry needling uses a single fine needle to stimulate muscles one at a time. This function is best recognised in modern medicine because it relieves myofascial pain. It seeks an intense physiological response to reduce muscle pain and soreness.

Is acupressure therapy safe?

Yes, more and more medical specialists are calling for the use of alternative therapies such as acupressure to achieve results that conventional Western medicine does not offer patients. There are millions of people around the world who claim to feel improvements to ailments such as stress and migraine, which drugs do not solve.

What are the risks and contraindications of acupressure massage?

In reality, there is no evidence that excessive therapies are counterproductive to people's health. It should only be noted that there are points that should not be touched in pregnant women.

In addition, in cases of serious injuries such as sprains, dislocations and fractures, the points in the affected areas should not be touched. Allow a medical specialist to make a full assessment of the injury.

Is it normal for pressure points to hurt during an acupressure massage?

No. Acupressure is intended to relieve pain, not to amplify it. In case you experience severe pain while activating these points, the technique should be stopped immediately. Remember that it should only be used for minor injuries. In chronic injuries, its use should be suggested by a specialist.

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