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This site is for informational and educational purposes only. The information contained in this website does not constitute the provision of medical, physiotherapy, chiropractic or rehabilitation advice or the provision of medical treatment or treatment recommendations.

Browsing this site does not establish a professional relationship with Feel Recovery, nor with any member of Feel Recovery staff, hereinafter (the Website). Any medical health, physical therapy, chiropractic or rehabilitation related health care decisions should be made in consultation with your qualified health care provider. The information contained in this website is not intended to treat or diagnose.

Information and content disclaimer

All content on this website is for information only and is not intended as advice or a guarantee of health-related results. Information is gathered and shared from reputable sources; however, this website is not responsible for errors or omissions in reports or explanations. No person should use the information, resources or tools contained on this site for self-diagnosis or self-medication of any health-related condition. This website makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, timeliness or applicability of the content.

This website accepts no liability for any errors, inaccuracies, omissions or misleading statements. This website excludes liability for any losses, claims, demands, claims or damages of any kind with respect to the information, content or products on this website. Information may be updated at any time, especially as medical discoveries and research evolve with respect to recovery from injury and chronic illness. At no time does this website assume any responsibility or liability for any action taken or advice chosen based on the information contained on this website.

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Videos and images are for informational and demonstration purposes only. They represent recommendations but are not a guarantee of results. They are not conclusive for an individual's specific expectations. Pain relief is the goal of this website by offering advice and recommendations for non-invasive and non-surgical therapies, but success is not guaranteed in any case.

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