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How to use an acupressure mat? Best exercises and positions

This mat is similar to those commonly used in yoga and pilates, but the difference lies in the dozens of hypoallergenic plastic lotus flowers that are positioned to offer additional benefits to practitioners of these physical and mental relaxation disciplines.

Learn about the benefits of using the acupressure mat, rather than conventional mats, to do some of the most effective yoga poses for total relaxation. Check the most recommended postures if you are going to use this product.

Benefits of using an Acupressure Mat

Did you know that lying on an acupressure mat for just 20 minutes can reduce stress and improve sleep quality? A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that using an acupressure mat stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, leading to a decrease in cortisol levels and an increase in endorphins. Lying on the mat in a relaxed supine position can help reduce stress, promote relaxation, and enhance sleep quality.

When it comes to greater relaxation and adjusting the blood supply, as well as the metabolic system, acupressure mats do an excellent job in the short and medium term.

Find out the rest of the advantages of using this product:

  • Soothes pain: as long as it is not chronic pain, the pain receptors react to the stimulation and stop sending signals to the brain and spinal cord. The mat acts as a temporary analgesic while the source of the pain is being treated.
  • Protects soft tissues: this is achieved by increasing the flow of oxygen and nutrients that are transported through the bloodstream. This benefit also results in a shorter than expected tissue recovery time for minor injuries.
  • Regulates temperature: when 10 minutes have passed since the start of the session, the temperature stops being local and becomes general, keeping the muscle fibres active without the need for sweating or physical activity.
  • Relieves specific injuries: plantar fasciitis and lower back pain, to mention two of the most common ailments, can be treated with sessions on the acupressure mat. If you have doubts about what other cases the mats can be used for, it is best to seek the advice of a medical specialist.
  • Regulates metabolism: this is one of the long-term benefits, the constant stimulation of the circulation, lymphatic system and temperature makes the body better able to channel the energy that enters the body through food.
  • Reduces stress: This is a great product for people with very intense work routines, who come home at night with tired, fatigued and aching feet. If routines are varied, the mat can be used every day for relaxation.
  • It complements yoga: Yoga and Pilates experts often use the acupressure mat to amplify the benefits of these practices on the body, helping people to eliminate muscle knots and improve blood flow.
  • Improves sleep: daily use of this product helps people get a better night's sleep. This occurs by controlling stress, tension and reducing pains such as migraines that disturb the sleep of people who feel a lot of stress during the day.

Acupressure Mat

Experience full-body relief with this acupressure mat and pillow set, designed to stimulate pressure points and promote deep relaxation. Whether you're dealing with back pain, muscle tension, or stress, this set mimics the benefits of acupuncture without needles. The extra mini acupressure pad allows for targeted relief, making it perfect for neck, shoulders, and lower back.

Improve circulation, reduce stress, and enhance your overall well-being with this therapeutic acupressure set. Simply lie down for a few minutes a day to activate pressure points, helping to release endorphins and improve sleep quality. Whether for post-workout recovery or daily relaxation, this acupressure mat set is your go-to solution for natural pain relief.

Acupressure Pillow

Unlock deep muscle relaxation and tension relief with this premium acupressure pillow, designed to mimic acupuncture benefits without needles. Perfect for easing neck stiffness, back pain, and even headaches, this pillow helps stimulate circulation and release stress naturally. Simply rest your head or neck on it for an immediate soothing sensation.

Improve sleep quality, boost energy, and enhance overall well-being with regular use. Whether after a long day or before bed, this acupressure pillow supports a balanced and relaxed body. Its original intensity design ensures effective pressure point activation, making it ideal for those seeking a natural and drug-free way to relieve muscle discomfort and tension.

Best Yoga positions and exercises for acupressure mat

Did you know that standing on an acupressure mat can improve circulation and reduce foot pain? Research in the Journal of Pain Research found that acupressure applied to the soles of the feet can enhance blood flow and stimulate reflexology points, leading to decreased tension and improved overall well-being. Standing on the mat for 5-10 minutes daily can relieve plantar fasciitis pain, reduce foot fatigue, and improve lower body circulation.

Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

This is a basic posture, ideal for beginning to mix the practice of yoga with the acupressure mat. It stretches the trunk and upper limbs, while the lotus flowers regulate the blood circulation from the feet upwards. As the soles of the feet are sensitive, you may feel some discomfort at first, but there should never be any pain in the arch of the foot if you wish to continue using this product without any problems.

The acupressure mat helps to reduce fatigue in the myofascial tissue, keeps it supple and relieves ailments such as plantar fasciitis. Holding this position has the advantage of maintaining balance and preparing the body for more complex routines.

Child's pose (Balasana)

Child's pose (Balasana)

Conscious rest is the purpose of this yoga posture, which seeks to fully stretch the back by bending the torso forward while stretching the arms forward, known as extended child's pose.

The mat will stimulate your legs by touching the fascia at the tibia and forefoot. It also relaxes your arms as you extend them forward until your palms touch the lotus flowers and hold this position for several seconds.

This position realigns the vertebrae, which tend to lose their curvature when people have a bad posture habit, working long hours sitting or standing. The advantage is that people feel an additional muscular relaxation.

Half cobra (Ardha Bhujangasana)

Half cobra (Ardha Bhujangasana)

This yoga routine aims to correctly align the thoracic and cervical vertebrae, which are often misaligned if you work long hours sitting down. In addition, the mat is useful to help stimulate the flow of blood from the feet to the head, thus preventing people from having tension problems.

You can choose to place the acupressure mat on the floor to stimulate the abdomen and legs, thus increasing the amount of oxygen and nutrients circulating in the body while lifting the chest, shoulders and head to align the vertebrae.

With this practice you work the thighs, which are dense muscles and difficult to stimulate, but with this combination they can relax quickly. With just one position, the benefits are countless for proper muscle function.

Sage Marichi Pose (Marichyasana)

Sage Marichi Pose (Marichyasana)

This is a posture that stimulates the hips, improves digestion and activates the internal organs, so it is very effective when combined with the benefits of the acupressure mat, which also offers these advantages. Sit on the mat, the seat bones should be in contact with the lotus flowers as you twist the chest.

As you progress through the posture, the calves and hamstrings are also stimulated. This is a more complex pose than the previous ones, but so complete that the person also works the joints as they perform the twisting required for this yoga pose.

Sun salutation (Surya Namaskar)

Sun salutation (Surya Namaskar)

This is one of the best yoga sequences to activate the whole body. There are 12 postures that will make you reach a deep state of relaxation and you can amplify this benefit by using the mat. The best thing is not to worry about overusing the product, as yoga forces you to be in constant movement. It starts from standing, where you stimulate your feet, to doing a plank on the mat, where the lotus flowers touch your whole body at once.

Lying on your back

Lying on your back

This is the simplest position you can do at home or in the office, just place the acupressure mat on the floor and lie on it on your back. Your legs and arms should be fully stretched out with a slight opening.

If the mat is smaller, it doesn't matter if your feet and hands are outside the mat, the important thing is that it covers the largest area where there is body mass so that the stimulation is uniform. This position can be held for 15 minutes without movement.

Lying face down

Lying face down

With this position you favour the abdomen, the quadriceps, the fascia at the level of the tibia and the forefoot. When you change position, you allow the stimulation to be uniform, although the circulation improves considerably no matter where you stimulate with the mat.

Remember to protect your chin and ears, as these parts of the body should not receive stimulation. Use your hands to rest your head for a relaxing and safe session for your face.

Sitting with your legs stretched out

Sitting with your legs stretched out

This is another of the safest positions you can do, you just need to place the mat on the floor and sit on it. Position the mat so that there is stimulation to the tissues near the hamstrings, hamstrings and calves.

This will regulate blood circulation and blood pressure directly in the lower limbs. It also relieves pain when people have sciatica, which affects mobility in the lower back, buttocks and legs.

Yoga Warrior Pose

Yoga Warrior Pose

The work with this position concentrates on the feet, where the mat can have the best muscle relaxation, myofascial and stimulating effect to increase blood circulation. Although the person remains standing and the benefits appear to be localised, in reality the improvement is felt throughout the body.

Remember that you should only perform stimulations for a maximum of 15 minutes, although for the feet you can reduce this time due to the fact that the arch of the foot is more sensitive.

Acupressure therapy and pain relief

Did you know that placing an acupressure mat under your neck and shoulders can help relieve tension headaches? A study published in the Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy found that acupressure applied to the upper trapezius and cervical spine area can reduce muscle tightness and headache frequency. Lying with the mat positioned under the neck for 10-15 minutes can improve blood flow, release trigger points, and provide natural headache relief.

From the moment you start using the mat, your mind will become more aware of how the body works and what to do to treat different ailments and injuries:

  • Muscle strains: caused by overwork and exercise, the mat is ideal for unbunching the muscle fibres that cause pain and discomfort in people. When using this product, you will notice how it widens the range of joint mobility in any part of the body.
  • Lumbago (lower back pain): it occurs after lifting an object suddenly and from sitting for many hours a day. The mat helps to soothe the generalised pain in the lower back that limits twisting and even walking becomes uncomfortable.
  • Migraine: caused by muscle contractions in the cervical spine, a condition that affects the vast majority of people suffering from stress and anxiety. Often, it is not enough to treat migraine with drugs, so people resort to the mat.
  • Swelling in the legs: this is a sign that people have vascular problems that require prompt treatment with the acupressure mat. Just by resting on the mat, there will be an increase in blood circulation through the vessels and veins.
  • Insomnia: people who feel constant episodes of stress and anxiety often have trouble falling asleep, which triggers a whole series of pathologies and risks to people's physical and mental health.
  • It speeds up recovery from injuries: a greater amount of nutrients and oxygenation in the body makes the tissues function better. In addition, in the event of injury, it speeds up cell regeneration so that injuries are temporary.
  • They control nausea and vomiting: when people have digestive problems, dizziness and heartburn are common after eating any type of food. Frequent practice of yoga with the acupressure mat makes the digestive system work better and the dizziness and vomiting are not so constant.
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