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How to use an acupressure mat for Yoga and relaxation and what are the best exercises? (UK)

This mat is similar to those commonly used in yoga and pilates, but the difference lies in the dozens of hypoallergenic plastic lotus flowers that are positioned to offer additional benefits to practitioners of these physical and mental relaxation disciplines.

Learn about the benefits of using the acupressure mat, rather than conventional mats, to do some of the most effective yoga poses for total relaxation. Check the most recommended postures if you are going to use this product.

What are the benefits of using an acupressure mat for yoga?

Basically, all yoga positions can be performed on a mat. Although it may not be necessary for your whole body to be on this product, it is likely that in some routines it is enough to place your feet and in others only your legs.

Check out the main benefits of using an acupressure yoga mat:

  • Improve blood circulation: there are yoga positions that are complicated and make your legs feel numb, this happens because the blood supply is reduced and your body reacts with a tingling sensation. The mat will keep the circulation going even in the most complex yoga positions.
  • Intensifies the benefits of yoga: yoga alone reduces blood pressure, promotes relaxation and promotes sleep, all of which are maximised when you combine yoga with the acupressure mat on certain parts of the body per posture.
  • Increases muscle relaxation: when you perform yoga movements and stimulate the muscle fibres at the same time, you get the body to relax quickly and the feeling of well-being lasts longer in the body. All you need to do is to respect the time of use so as not to disturb the circulation.
  • Improves confidence in yoga: if you are a frequent yoga mat user and want to try yoga, you will feel more comfortable knowing that you have two powerful tools to achieve the muscle relaxation you are looking for in each of the yoga routines.
  • Strengthens concentration: when you do yoga and use the mat, you must be attentive to both the movements and the correct use of the mat, this is actually an important mental exercise to train the mind and keep it focused on the activity you are doing, without distractions.
  • It helps you sleep soundly: if you can already get a good night's sleep with the mat, imagine combining this habit with the benefits of yoga. Sleep is more restful, it increases REM (Rapid Eye Movements) time, which is a crucial phase of sleep for the mind to rest.
  • Work on coordination: mixing the acupressure mat and yoga makes you more aware of the movements you make and work on motor coordination between your hands, legs and eyes. You will see your coordination in other areas of your life improve considerably.
  • Try different purposes: while doing a leg routine, perhaps you can use the acupressure pad to relieve neck tensions. It's all about making the most of your time and routines to get more than one benefit at a time when practising yoga.


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Best Yoga Positions and Exercises to Perform on a Acupressure Mat

As promised, in this section you will find the best yoga postures you can do on an acupressure mat.

Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

This is a basic posture, ideal for beginning to mix the practice of yoga with the acupressure mat. It stretches the trunk and upper limbs, while the lotus flowers regulate the blood circulation from the feet upwards. As the soles of the feet are sensitive, you may feel some discomfort at first, but there should never be any pain in the arch of the foot if you wish to continue using this product without any problems.

The acupressure mat helps to reduce fatigue in the myofascial tissue, keeps it supple and relieves ailments such as plantar fasciitis. Holding this position has the advantage of maintaining balance and preparing the body for more complex routines.

Child's pose (Balasana)

Child's pose (Balasana)

Conscious rest is the purpose of this yoga posture, which seeks to fully stretch the back by bending the torso forward while stretching the arms forward, known as extended child's pose.

The mat will stimulate your legs by touching the fascia at the tibia and forefoot. It also relaxes your arms as you extend them forward until your palms touch the lotus flowers and hold this position for several seconds.

This position realigns the vertebrae, which tend to lose their curvature when people have a bad posture habit, working long hours sitting or standing. The advantage is that people feel an additional muscular relaxation.

Half cobra (Ardha Bhujangasana)

Half cobra (Ardha Bhujangasana)

This yoga routine aims to correctly align the thoracic and cervical vertebrae, which are often misaligned if you work long hours sitting down. In addition, the mat is useful to help stimulate the flow of blood from the feet to the head, thus preventing people from having tension problems.

You can choose to place the acupressure mat on the floor to stimulate the abdomen and legs, thus increasing the amount of oxygen and nutrients circulating in the body while lifting the chest, shoulders and head to align the vertebrae.

With this practice you work the thighs, which are dense muscles and difficult to stimulate, but with this combination they can relax quickly. With just one position, the benefits are countless for proper muscle function.

Sage Marichi Pose (Marichyasana)

Sage Marichi Pose (Marichyasana)

This is a posture that stimulates the hips, improves digestion and activates the internal organs, so it is very effective when combined with the benefits of the acupressure mat, which also offers these advantages. Sit on the mat, the seat bones should be in contact with the lotus flowers as you twist the chest.

As you progress through the posture, the calves and hamstrings are also stimulated. This is a more complex pose than the previous ones, but so complete that the person also works the joints as they perform the twisting required for this yoga pose.

Sun salutation (Surya Namaskar)

Sun salutation (Surya Namaskar)

This is one of the best yoga sequences to activate the whole body. There are 12 postures that will make you reach a deep state of relaxation and you can amplify this benefit by using the mat. The best thing is not to worry about overusing the product, as yoga forces you to be in constant movement. It starts from standing, where you stimulate your feet, to doing a plank on the mat, where the lotus flowers touch your whole body at once.

More relaxing positions on the acupressure mat

More relaxing positions on the acupressure mat

If you prefer to use this acupressure tool to lie down and relax, then you should try these positions.

Lying on your back

Choose this position when you have lower back discomfort and want to relax the muscles, perhaps after a stressful day, walking or sitting for long hours.

  • Place the mat on the floor
  • Lie on your back and extend your legs.
  • The mat should touch your entire back and thighs.
  • Gently raise and bend one leg at a time, bringing your knee to your chest.
  • Now raise and bend both legs at the same time.
  • Perform each movement once and hold for 10 seconds.

With this position you work the entire lower back, where the muscles are often contracted by an excess of physical work. The thighs are also stimulated on the back side, as well as the calves where the calves suffer all the body weight.

Lying face down

For this position, you only need to place the mat on the floor and place your body face down, without making any movements. Just consider the following:

  • Your chest, abdomen and hamstrings should be in contact with the mat.
  • Hands and feet should be off the mat.
  • Protect your chin, it should not touch the lotus flowers.
  • Hold this position for 15 minutes.

The entire abdomen receives stimulation from the lotus flowers along the mat. The hamstrings can be massaged with gentle movements while your body rests. The advantage of this position is that you don't need complex movements to get the most out of this product.

On the hamstrings

You will need a chair to better stimulate this part of the body:

  • Place the acupressure mat on a smooth, unpadded chair.
  • Sit on this product, covering the entire hamstring area.
  • Hold this position for 15 minutes.

This muscle group allows the traction of people when walking and jogging, that's why they need to be constantly stimulated. The mat makes it possible for muscle recovery in this area to be better and faster, so that your body stays active for a new day of work or training.

On the quadriceps

The muscles in the legs are strong and dense, so stimulation must be more frequent for the effects to last.

  • Place the mat on the floor.
  • Lie on your stomach and place your quadriceps (thighs) on this product.
  • Avoid making any movements during this time.
  • Try to hold the position for 15 minutes.

The quadriceps keep the whole body stable, so they must be permanently relaxed. The mat is specially designed to reduce muscle tension and ensure that the fibres maintain their usual stability and flexibility.

With knee raises

This is a double benefit exercise that you should do on the floor, lying on your back:

  • Fold the mat and place it between your hamstrings and calves.
  • The mat should be pressed with both legs.
  • Perform 10 smooth lifts in a row.
  • When doing the lifts, try to bring your knees to your chest.
  • Breathe gently.

With this routine you work your abs, thighs and at the same time make the lotus flowers increase the blood supply to the calves, which tend to contract more easily than other parts of the body. The advantage with this routine is that you work a large part of the muscle groups in the lower limbs.

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